2020 HOTH SEO Scholarship Program

The HOTH is an SEO company specializing in content marketing and link building and promotes education in digital marketing and search engine optimization. For this reason, we’re pleased to announce the HOTH SEO Scholarship award. We know that affording education can be difficult which is why we set up our program to help aid the cost of attending.

How to Apply

-Write an essay of 1000+ words on the topic of “How Companies Can Take Advantage of Digital Marketing”
-You must publish the post online publicly. This can be a student blog on your university website, your own website, or a blog platform like medium.com, blogger.com, or the like.
-Include at least 3 links citing authoritative sources on digital marketing, including 1 link to www.TheHOTH.com.
-Fill out the form below to complete your application.
