Know Your Rights! Scholarship Essay Contest

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency responsible for enforcing workplace civil rights laws as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972. In California in 2017 there were 5,423 individual charges of discrimination brought before the EEOC.

As college applicants or students, you will soon be entering the workforce. Once there, how you’re treated, how you can behave, how you’re paid, eligibility for benefits and all hiring, promotion, discipline and termination decisions will be subject to employment and workplace laws. They will impact your day-to-day life like no other area of the law. Because of that, it’s never too early to begin understanding the rights and obligations you’ll have as an employee.

The employment law attorneys at Workplace Rights Law Group are offering three $500 scholarship prizes for the fall semester 2020.

More details in link provided.
