Local Scholarship Application

Local Scholarship awards are granted to women whose permanent home address is in
Campbell, Milpitas, San Jose or Santa Clara; who have completed two full years at an
accredited college or university and have been accepted for enrollment in a four-year
college or university at the third year level in the fall of 2021; and who have a GPA of 3.0 or
higher. The 2021 Local Scholarship application will be available for downloading and will be accepted from 12 am PT on March 1 until 11:59 pm PT on April 15, 2021.

Grants are based on significance of educational goals, scholastic achievements, merits
of the application and an interview with members of the Local Scholarship Committee.
Please encourage friends and family members who meet the eligibility requirements to
apply. Any questions should be directed to Ruth Dusan, Chair of the Local Scholarship
